Quality of Waters

The Istrian peninsula is the largest unit with its own and specific hydro-geological and hydrology characteristics without a strong connection with its direct hinterland. Surface running waters and underground waters represent significant water resources of Istria.

In accordance with the regulations from the Law on Waters (the official bulletin of the Republic of Croatia Narodne Novine no. 107/95) a systematic monitoring of the quality of waters is the subject of the programmes in the domain of Croatian Waters (Hrvatske Vode). 

Results of monitoring the quality of waters enable the adoption of basic planning premises for water management at the level of the Republic of Croatia and the Istrian Region.

Monitoring the quality of surface water flows - Dragonja, Mirna, Raša, Boljunčica and Pazinčica has been systematically carried out since 1980, while the Butoniga accumulation has been monitored since 1990. 

Complex hydro-geological relations, primarily conditioned by numerous specific features of water flows in the Karst underground left numerous open questions both regarding the inflow area and the underground waters supply, which also means the question of the possibility of increasing pumping quantities in the intervention location and the protection of sources.

Monitoring the quality of source waters and wells included in the water supply or else potentially used for the water supply has been carried out since 1983.

With the aim of obtaining as representative as possible indicators of the quality of waters at the sources and the wells, the Istrian Region has financed the programme of monitoring which has supplemented the programme of Hrvatske Vode since 1997. 

The programme is carried out by the Institute for Public health of the Istrian Region. The results of the analysis are statistically elaborated and once a year submitted for the acceptance in the form of report. The Government of the Istrian Region examines the report and adopts the Conclusion. 

Information about the quality of waters in the area of the Istrian Region